Top 10 most wanted Blogger tricks

Published on: Friday 28 July 2017
Top 10 most wanted Blogger tricks

There are many essential tricks and hacks for Blogger and WordPress less or more essential for good functionality and aesthetic blogging experience. Here is an article about popular or most wanted tips and tricks for blogger or BlogSpot blogs.

Let’s have a look at them one by one which will prove to be useful for improving aspect of Blogger platform.

1. Remove Blogger default Navbar: This Navbar seems to be of less importance because it doesn’t look cool at the top and take an extra space in your design. It doesn’t have enough resources or tools for the reader so better vanish it from your blog. It’s easy to remove it, just go to Edit HTML  section of your blog and find :]]> And add following code before hitting the above line. #navbar-iframe { height:0px; display:none; visibility:hidden; }

2. Add Read more or Expanded posts: To make browsing more light to our readers many times should show only a summary of the articles. As Blogger does not have this feature by default, we will have to use CSS or Javascript to achieve this purpose.

3. Add Paged numbered Navigation: Blogger only shows a link to this page and above, with the page to display a larger number of pages to navigate indicated by numbers. Again the operation is based on a script that is necessary to install on your blog to make it work.

4. Show Recent posts and Recent Comments in Sidebar: Give more Navigation options to you reader and encourage them to comment and interact by showing off these gadgets in blog sidebar.
Click for  Recent posts  and  Recent Comments gadget here.

Another way to do it by adding Feed address in Add Feed content Gadget For Recent articles: Recent Comments :

5. Add Popular or Most commented Gadget in sidebar: When an article has many comments, that talks about its possible value for visitors. This is not a feature of Blogger so it requires the use of a new script. It can be easily accomplished by reading Popular post article.

6. Change Blog Title for post pages: Using this trick changes Blog title to the post title while viewing individual post. It’s a necessary hack for Search engine optimization. Just make some changes in HTML codes and its done. Read tutorial to do it yourself.

7. Add Comment form or Feedback below every post: No trick is associated with this feature as this has become default feature of Blogger and you can turn it on from Comments tab under settings of Blogger account. It will be automatically embedded below posts but some times you will need to perform it manually  if it doesn’t work.

8. Put Adsense Ads inside or in between blogger post: Embedding adsense code inside Blogger article can gain more clicks as it catches reader’s attention so follow  tutorial  to place adsense units inside posts.

9. Add favicon to your blog: Favicon gives and identity to your blog. It makes possible to navigate to your blog when multiple tabs are open in a browser. There are various methods to do it but you can got this one as this  online service does this for you free within seconds.

10. Custom Domain on Blogspot blogs: In everyone’s Blogging journey, a time comes when he wants to move on to his own domain instead of so, how can you move without losing your Permalinks. Blogger has this feature under Publishing tab of Blogger settings but if you still find difficult, head towards this tutorial.